Nervous breakdown

What key idea 🔐 in healthcare is almost universally overlooked by contemporary medicine? The role your nervous system plays in ALL health issues! Your nervous system is your body’s command center. Originating from your brain, it controls your thoughts, movements, and automatic responses to the world around you. It also controls other body systems and processes such as digestion and breathing.

For achieving lasting health, there is a largely untapped potential with understanding how the nervous system truly works. As we age, difficult health issues will be approached in innovate ways. Massage therapy speaks to the nervous system directly, and gives it a “reset” with each massage.

We all know the great frustration in treating one health symptom only to have others crop up in its place…like Whack-A-Mole, multiple issues plague many of us. 😫 Chasing symptoms one at a time with medicines, or complicated operations, doesn’t offer more than temporary relief.

Our society has two primary approaches in conventional medicine: drugs 💊 and surgery. These tools are powerful, valuable, and have helped many people. But even the best of operations leaves scar tissue - restricting movement by making it more difficult for layers of connective tissues and muscle to slide freely over their adjacent layers. In many cases, drugs and/or surgery do not work as effectively as we would wish, often producing undesirable side effects too. 🫠

The positive effects of massage are cumulative. Our autonomic nervous system becomes more resilient each time we can restore a state of equilibrium - done with long, fluid strokes and deep tissue release. Our long-term goal as therapists is to encourage your nervous system to naturally return, on its own, from a state of depression or stress to a state of calm and safety. Practice makes perfect!

Our work frees up movement of the head, neck, shoulders, and hips, and corrects some of the functional and postural issues that we attribute to aging and overuse. Every time that you get a massage, you will notice improvement. This belief is based on my own personal experience, clinical work over 7 years, and the many other therapists I know and work with. I hope to share it with you again soon.


🤣 I asked chat GPT to wite my life story - past, present, future…


Migraines to muscat - part 3