
An 11/10 massage is spiritual - “like a warm hug for my soul,” as a client put it recently. Our souls exist beyond our bodies, yet they need healthy creative outlets to thrive. Do you have none, one, or many outlets?

Forever keeping it krunchy, some of mine are:

  • reading at bedtime

  • writing lovesick poetry

  • hydrotherapy (warm baths + hot tubs plzzz)

  • ikebana (Japanese floral/natural arrangements)

  • yoga stool (inversions)

  • decorating the lending library

  • singing (Billie, Lana, Robyn, Sia + Adele 🩶)

  • international fashion show critiques on tiktok

  • travel (I got the bug - mexico city and vancouver are next!) 🐛 🐞

Disconnect. Reflect. I am always gonna be that bitch inspiring you to get more massages, sleep more, develop your entrepreneurial spirit, + feed your creativity. To divest from beauty culture - so last season - and invest in alone time.

I don’t know you like that, but I KNOW you’re lacking in it.

So let's welcome the extended pampering with 105 + 120 min bookings! Because, honestly, who can work miracles in a wee little session? Not me! 👀 Think of it as a time-saving strategy: Less driving, fewer parking hassles, longer-lasting results; win-win-win!


As my dear friend Amy said (you might know her too from her badass company, Metta Yoga) the day after her first two hour massage, “Omg im so light and breezy! Like a new person. Even in a better mood.”


Speak with me for five minutes, and you also know that I get super jazzed about owning a small business, and entrepreneurship - sustainability and longevity being #1.

Which brings us to the title of this email. 🤣 60 minute sessions are gone, y’all. Poof. They just aren’t enough time to get in the groove to give you, Subscriber First Name, the results you deserve. TBH, this has been stressing me out for years, because I always give 60 mins, and new clients especially, extra free time 🫣 something I’d advise any other business owner never to do.

I can’t keep devaluing myself and my time if I’m setting an example for others.

Rest assured, all 60 minute package holders can still fulfill their packages, and I’ve worked very hard to make sure 5 and 10 packs are a great deal. Please know you can always reach out if we need a deeper discussion. 💝 I’m here, I care about you, and I want to keep topping myself in terms of giving you the greatest massage of your life, every damn time.

If I’m not the GOAT, I’m not your therapist. 🐐



PS. Packages receive preferred booking, NEVER EXPIRE, are shareable and giftable always. Show some self-love, or split with your hunny. 🍯

PPS. Nothing to do with anything, but I’m just going to leave this…right…here…bc…it’s…too…good… ⛳️ ♥️



Holidae sliving