Migraines to muscat - part 2

After Sophia was done describing her aches & pains I began outlining a treatment plan of how to help her feel better. There’s no such thing as a quick fix, but I knew if this was going to fit into her busy lifestyle, she would need to see progress fast.🚦

Massage is great because it can treat more than one symptom at a time. For clients to see progress more dramatically, appointments should be closer together. Once-a-week is a tried and true syncopation that takes into account the integration process after a massage, from 3-4 days.

I could tell that Sophia was optimistic, but hesitant. We all want immediate results. We all want the magic pill that will get us optimal results in the smallest amount of time. Ten sessions over 10 weeks felt like an eternity to her, but the truth is her pain didn’t show up overnight. 🧮

It takes time for a body to develop chronic pain, and it takes time to alleviate it. 🕙

Capitalism will convince you your worth is tied exclusively to your productivity, but also leave you feeling unfulfilled, joyless, and usually in chronic pain. Too dramatic? :) What I want you to know is that your presence is what matters most. 🥸 

Your ability to show up fully in your own life. To feel capable of doing things that bring you joy. 

I want chronic pain to stop holding you back. And that means it’s not just about feeling better right now, but creating a lasting effect with a big impact on your quality of life. 

No more feeling trapped or exhausted.🤞

Keep an eye on the final chapter of this series, where you’ll hear how Sophia and her vineyard got more than bargained for.


Migraines to muscat - part 3


Migraines to muscat - part 1